協力:コ本や honkbooks

タイラー・コバーンは、ニューヨークを拠点に活動する作家、アーティスト、教授である。これまでに、ポンピドゥー・センター(パリ)、ベルゲン・クンストハル(ベルゲン)、ヘイワード・ギャラリー(ロンドン)、パラサイト(香港)、ミュンヘン美術協会(ミュンヘン)などで作品を発表している。コバーンは、著書に『I’m that angel』(2012年)、『Robots Building Robots』(2013年、CCAグラスゴー出版)、『Richard Roe 』(2019年)、『Solitary』(2022年、ともにスタンバーグプレス出版)の4冊がある。2024年にはアンディ・ウォーホル財団芸術ライター助成金を受賞し、彼の執筆はe-flux journal、ArtReview、Frieze、Mousse、Rhizomeに掲載されています。

東京都現代美術館学芸員。1990年生まれ。東京藝術大学大学院国際芸術創造研究科アートプロデュース専攻博士課程修了。現代美術と舞台芸術を横断するキュレーション、執筆活動を主軸に、パフォーマンスにおける共集性、個人や共同体のトランスナショナルな社会実践を捉える。主な企画に「Stilllive 2024:Kinetic Net」(クリエイティブセンター大阪(CCO)、2024年)、研究に「東アジアにおける歴史実践としてのパフォーマンス-イム・ミヌク、高山明(Port B)、ワン・ホンカイを中心に-」(博士学位論文、2022年)など。
Solitary: Introspection and Incarceration at a Korean Wellness Center
Date & Time: Friday, March 28th, 2025, 19:00-21:00 (doors open at 18:45)
Venue: theca (inside honkbooks)
Speakers: Tyler Coburn, Sanghae Kwon
Capacity: 20 people
Tickets: ¥1000
*Eng/Jp interpretation
Organization: Tyler Coburn, Sanghae Kwon (Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo)
Cooperation: honkbooks
Solitary is an experiment in site-specific writing produced at a wellness center in South Korea designed to resemble a prison. To make this work, artist Tyler Coburn commissioned nine contributors to spend time in ‘solitary confinement’ at the center, where they produced texts using the materials on hand. What results is a book exploring wellness, solitude, incarceration, and what it means to seek freedom through confinement. For this event, Coburn will introduce the project then have an informal dialogue about it with curator Sanghae Kwon.
Solitary was co-published by Sternberg Press and Art Sonje Center in 2022. Contributors include Jaeyeon Chung, Sunjin Kim, Hyunjeung Kim, Kyungmook Kim, Min Kyoung Lee, Woochang Lee, Russell Mason, and Jiwon Yu. The book was designed by Luke Gould and primarily translated by Minji Chun.
[Speakers’ profile]Tyler Coburn
Tyler Coburn is a writer, artist, and professor based in New York. He has presented work at such venues as Centre Pompidou, Paris; Bergen Kunsthall; Hayward Gallery, London; Para Site, Hong Kong; and Kunstverein Munich. Coburn is the author of four books: I’m that angel (2012); Robots Building Robots (2013), published by CCA Glasgow; and Richard Roe (2019) and Solitary (2022), both published by Sternberg Press. He received a 2024 Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant, and his writing has appeared in e-flux journal, ArtReview, Frieze, Mousse, and Rhizome.
Sanghae Kwon
Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo. Born 1990 in South Korea. PhD in Arts Studies and Curatorial Practices, Graduate School of Global Arts. His curatorial practices and research activities across contemporary art and performing arts focus on exploring collectivity in performance and transnational social practices of individuals and communities. Major projects include Stilllive 2024: Kinetic Net (Creative Center Osaka (CCO), 2024), and research includes Performance as Historical Practice in East Asia: Focusing on Minouk Lim, Akira Takayama (Port B), and Hongkai Wang (Doctoral dissertation, 2022).